(roh)vegan + glutenfrei (German Edition)

(roh)vegan + glutenfrei (German Edition)

B. inggris tuliskan pidato bahasa inggris tentang dampak positif dan negatif dari teknologi pada era modern ​

tuliskan pidato bahasa inggris tentang dampak positif dan negatif dari teknologi pada era modern ​


First of all I would like to thank The Almighty for His never-ending blessings so we can conduct another flag ceremony today. Good morning to the honored Head Master, fellow teachers, school administration staffs, and my students. Today, August 10th 2018 marks the National Technology Revival Day. Therefore my speech today will contains some information which related to technology. Technology becomes the most eminent factor in today’s world. People cannot be separated from technology because it makes the people’s lives easier. Let us take a look for the example at the smallest range which is our school. We cannot deny that technology is very useful for education. School is well equipped with technological tools such as computers, internet, telephone, and any other technological devices. The internet availability in school helps the students to obtain unlimited lessons or information in just one-click.

Technology helps the students to communicate with more people even with those who live outside Indonesia. This will assist the student to make a networking which will be beneficial for their future careers. Technology increases the student engagement and motivation in learning process, teachers use technological devices such as in-focus screen in the classroom to make the learning process becomes less boring. As I have mentioned before, technology gives the student access to the most current information which available online. They can access or download e-books or journal in the website so the lesson will be more attractive and varied. BUT, there are some buts. Not all of the impacts caused by technology are positive, technology could be very dangerous if you cannot manage it. Moreover nowadays students are equipped with a mobile phone. Is there anyone of you who does not have any mobile phone? No, right? See every student has it. Mobile phone is very personal so sometimes it is quite hard for the parents to supervise the children. Instead of waiting for the adults to supervise you, I want to warn you because I am sure you are mature enough to see what is right or wrong for you.

Dear my students,

The technological developments offer you many applications to download which are compatible with your mobile phone. Let us say, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Path, and so on and so forth, they are all available for you. However do you know that those kekinian or updated applications will ruin your life if you could not manage them well? The simplicity of getting everything served through one click is actually dangerous


saya tidak taushjsuajbaiababajajbajajsnxjoxndjs
